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Nord Anglia Education introduces INSIGHTS: a fresh vision for the future of education

Nord Anglia Education’s new digital publication INSIGHTS offers a refreshingly honest view from global experts on the future of education.

Leading international schools provider Nord Anglia Education announced the launch of its groundbreaking new education magazine, INSIGHTS.

The new publication offers a comprehensive look into hot-topic aspects of global education, from emotional health in young people to the role of technology, artificial intelligence in learning, and what the future of education and wellbeing could look like.

Chairman of Nord Anglia Education’s Advisory Board Lord David Puttnam said: “We’re proud to unveil the first edition of INSIGHTS, which is filled with informative articles and expert opinions. Our mission is to shed light on the complexities of modern education as we all strive to prepare the next generation for a rapidly changing world.”

Principal at Nord Anglia school British International School Hanoi Richard Vaughan, highlighted the global topics in its launch issue – exciting and fascinating areas that connect every parent worldwide.

“[The magazine features] world leading experts in various fields share on numerous topics of interest and importance in the changing world of education. These are topics that matter to schools and families as we journey together though an ever increasingly complex landscape of thinking and ideas,” he said.

Knowledge is Power - when children have all the information a click away, does having knowledge matter?

What to expect under the cover

With new articles launching regularly, the first INSIGHTS issue explores how families can better prepare the next generation for success in our rapidly changing world.

‘In Pursuit of Happiness’ delves into the essential role emotional wellbeing plays in the lives of young learners, emphasising the role of emotional wellbeing for long term success. Various experts weigh in on the importance of family and schools promoting happiness, suggesting it may be a more significant predictor of adult well-being than academic achievement.

‘The Fourth Education Revolution’ ponders the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in education and argues that AI could revolutionise education by offering more personalised learning experiences. It suggests that AI can address issues like social inequality, a student’s mental health while also relieving teacher workload.

‘Life in the Skills Locker’ takes a turn towards the importance of soft skills, urging us to think beyond traditional academic metrics. This article highlights the importance of skills such as emotional intelligence and critical thinking for future success. Schools are gradually incorporating STEAM and problem-solving projects to prepare students for a rapidly changing world.

‘Knowledge is Power?’ questions the evolving role of memorisation in our age of information abundance. While foundational knowledge is essential, the emphasis is on developing agile learners who can apply their knowledge in real world contexts.

‘Social Purpose. Real World Value or Virtual Signalling?’ challenges us to reconsider what authentic social impact looks like in educational settings. Driven by Gen Z’s interest in social and environmental causes, institutions are offering resources for impactful student-led initiatives.

The Fourth Education Revolution - AI and why the teaching profession has to take the future into its own hands.

In addition to its captivating articles, INSIGHTS will also serve as a platform to share the latest research findings, interviews with educational leaders, and opinion pieces on best practices in teaching and learning.

Read INSIGHTS online and subscribe to stay up-to-date with the latest information and ideas shaping the future of education.

About Nord Anglia Education
As a leading international schools organisation, Nord Anglia Education shapes creative and resilient global citizens who graduate with everything they need for success, whatever they choose to be or do in life. A strong academic foundation, combined with world-class teaching and curricula using innovative technology and facilities, create learning experiences like no other. Inside and outside of the classroom, Nord Anglia schools inspire students to achieve more than they ever thought possible. No two children learn the same way, which is why Nord Anglia schools around the world personalise learning to what works best for every student. Inspired by high-quality teachers, Nord Anglia students achieve outstanding academic results and go on to study at the world’s top universities. To learn more about Nord Anglia schools in Vietnam’s Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City – British International School and British Vietnamese International School – or to apply for a place for your child, go to
This Press Release has also been published on VRITIMES

Membangun Brand Fashion dengan Sukses: Tips dan Trik yang Harus Kamu Tahu


Antara seni dan strategi, menciptakan brand fashion yang kuat merupakan sebuah perpaduan yang sangat penting dalam industri yang dinamis ini. Desain pakaian yang menginspirasi dan inovatif tidak hanya mencerminkan seni, tetapi juga melibatkan aspek strategis yang menciptakan daya tarik unik dan keberlanjutan bisnis. Dalam dunia yang penuh dengan variasi gaya dan tren, penting bagi sebuah brand fashion untuk memiliki identitas yang unik guna membedakan dirinya dari persaingan yang sengit.

Identitas brand yang unik bukan hanya sekadar estetika visual, melainkan juga cerminan dari nilai-nilai, visi, dan misi yang melandasi brand tersebut. Sebuah identitas yang kuat membantu membentuk persepsi pelanggan terhadap brand, memungkinkan mereka untuk merasakan kedalaman dan kohesi yang melekat pada setiap koleksi atau produk yang diluncurkan. Dalam konteks ini, seni berkolaborasi dengan strategi untuk menciptakan suatu narasi yang mendalam, membangun koneksi emosional dengan konsumen, dan akhirnya, memperkuat daya tarik brand dalam benak pasar fashion yang terus berkembang. Oleh karena itu, memiliki identitas brand yang unik bukan hanya menjadi faktor penentu kesuksesan dalam industri fashion, tetapi juga menjadi landasan untuk membangun hubungan jangka panjang dengan konsumen yang semakin cerdas dan sadar akan merek.

Menemukan Jati Diri Brand

Menetapkan Nilai Inti Brand

Menetapkan nilai inti brand merupakan langkah penting dalam membangun fondasi yang kokoh bagi sebuah merek fashion. Melalui penyelaman mendalam terhadap nilai-nilai yang ingin disampaikan, brand dapat membentuk suatu identitas yang konsisten dan meyakinkan. Ini bukan hanya sekadar tentang produk atau estetika visual, melainkan juga tentang pesan-pesan yang ingin disampaikan kepada konsumen. Nilai-nilai ini mencerminkan moralitas dan prinsip-prinsip yang dianut oleh brand, membentuk dasar dari hubungan yang terjalin dengan konsumen. Dengan merinci nilai-nilai tersebut, brand fashion dapat mengartikulasikan identitasnya secara jelas dan autentik, menciptakan fondasi yang kuat untuk membangun koneksi emosional dengan pelanggan.

Mengidentifikasi Target Audiens

Setelah nilai-nilai brand teridentifikasi, langkah berikutnya adalah memahami siapa konsumen target yang diinginkan oleh brand tersebut. Dengan mengidentifikasi dengan jelas karakteristik audiens, brand dapat mengarahkan upaya pemasaran dan desain produk secara lebih tepat. Strategi untuk menarik perhatian audiens potensial pun dapat dirancang dengan lebih cermat. Apakah itu melalui kampanye pemasaran yang kreatif, kolaborasi dengan tokoh-tokoh berpengaruh, atau kehadiran aktif di media sosial, strategi ini dirancang untuk membangun kesadaran dan ketertarikan di antara konsumen yang diinginkan.


Desain Logo yang Memorable

Logo memiliki peran krusial dalam menciptakan kesan pertama terhadap sebuah brand. Desain yang unik, kreatif, dan mencerminkan identitas brand dapat menjadi kunci untuk membuat logo menjadi memorable. Pemilihan warna, bentuk, dan elemen-elemen grafis lainnya tidak hanya sekadar estetika visual, tetapi juga memiliki makna dan daya tarik emosional yang dapat memberikan pengalaman yang kuat kepada konsumen.

Sebuah logo yang merekah bukan hanya menciptakan daya tarik visual, tetapi juga mampu menyampaikan pesan brand secara singkat dan kuat. Dalam sekejap mata, logo harus mampu merangkum nilai-nilai, misi, dan visi brand, menciptakan suatu ikatan emosional dengan konsumen. Kemampuan logo untuk memberikan kesan mendalam dan meresap dalam benak konsumen membantu membentuk hubungan yang langgeng dan erat antara brand dan audiensnya.

Ciptakan Produk yang Berkualitas

Bahan yang berkualitas tinggi menjadi pondasi utama dalam pembuatan produk yang unggul. Penggunaan bahan-bahan terbaik tidak hanya memastikan daya tahan dan keawetan produk, tetapi juga memberikan nilai tambah pada aspek estetika dan kenyamanan penggunaan. Dengan memilih bahan yang baik, sebuah produk memiliki potensi untuk memberikan pengalaman yang superior kepada konsumen.

Ketika sebuah merek bekerja sama dengan vendor terpercaya yang menyediakan bahan berkualitas tinggi, proses produksi menjadi lebih efisien dan terkelola dengan baik. Kolaborasi yang baik antara merek dan vendor dapat menciptakan produk-produk yang tidak hanya memenuhi standar kualitas, tetapi juga memperhitungkan nilai-nilai dan keinginan konsumen. Tasindo merupakan pabrik tas surabaya yang sudah berpengalaman memproduksi tas custom yang berkualitas. Oleh karena itu, memastikan bahwa vendor dan bahan yang digunakan dalam produksi adalah yang terbaik adalah langkah yang krusial untuk menciptakan produk yang berkualitas tinggi dan membangun reputasi merek yang solid di mata konsumen.


Membangun sebuah brand fashion adalah perjalanan yang membutuhkan kesabaran, dedikasi, dan perencanaan yang matang. Ini bukanlah suatu perjalanan singkat, melainkan suatu proses yang memerlukan waktu dan upaya yang berkelanjutan. Setiap langkah yang diambil, setiap keputusan yang diambil membawa kita lebih dekat ke keberhasilan yang diinginkan. Dalam perjalanan ini, kita menemui tantangan dan hambatan yang mungkin menguji tekad dan kreativitas kita, namun setiap rintangan juga menjadi peluang untuk belajar dan tumbuh.

About Tasindo

Tasindo pabrik tas berkualitas menerima pesanan custom tas tanpa minimal order

Press Release ini juga sudah tayang di VRITIMES

Ivosights Berkomitmen Memajukan Industri Konstruksi dengan Mendukung Transformasi Digital


Jakarta – Dalam era globalisasi dan kemajuan teknologi informasi, transformasi digital menjadi kunci utama dalam memacu perkembangan berbagai sektor industri. Industri konstruksi, sebagai salah satu pilar utama dalam perekonomian, tidak dapat mengabaikan dampak yang dihasilkan melalui penerapan teknologi digital. Hal inilah yang membawa Ivosights bersama Vastu Chatra Asia tergerak memajukan industri konstruksi dengan menggelar talkshow bertajuk “Transformasi Digital dalam Industri Konstruksi: Peluang dan Tantangan.”

Talkshow yang berlangsung di Block71 ini terselenggara berkat dukungan dari berbagai pihak. Di antaranya, b+a Bagas & Associates, PT CJ Trading, PT Mataram Paint Cat Kayu & Besi, Quadra, dan Titanium Sintered Stone. Hadir sebagai pembicara adalah tokoh-tokoh terkemuka dalam industri konstruksi, antara lain Ilya Fadjar Maharika (Dekan Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan UII), Tiyok Prasetyoadi (Direktur PDW Arsitek), Fibra Reelianto (Co-Founder Vastu Chatra Asia), dan Elga Yulwardian (CEO Ivosights). Diera Larasati turut hadir untuk memandu jalannya diskusi yang berfokus pada peran transformasi digital dalam membentuk masa depan industri konstruksi.

Elga mengatakan, peran teknologi digital dalam sektor konstruksi semakin nyata melalui keberadaan platform digital yang menawarkan solusi inovatif untuk merespons kebutuhan yang ada. Dia menekankan bahwa transformasi digital bukan hanya menjadi tanggung jawab individu atau perusahaan tertentu, melainkan tanggung jawab bersama di seluruh sektor, termasuk konstruksi.

“Dengan kolaborasi yang kuat antara pelaku industri, pemerintah, dan penyedia teknologi, kita dapat membentuk ekosistem yang mendukung pertukaran ide dan pengalaman, mempercepat proses transformasi menuju konstruksi yang responsif, berkelanjutan, dan efisien” ungkapnya.

Dengan adanya talkshow ini, tambah Elga, dapat menjadi langkah awal yang signifikan dalam mewujudkan visi bersama untuk menciptakan masa depan industri konstruksi yang adaptif, inovatif, dan berdaya saing tinggi.

About Ivosights

Ivosights merupakan perusahaan berbasis teknologi informasi yang menghadirkan solusi end-to-end dalam mengelola serta meningkatkan interaksi pelanggan. Kami adalah perusahaan lokal Indonesia yang berdiri untuk membangun ekosistem digital engagement terpadu dengan pengembangan teknologi serta layanan pendukung yang berdasarkan pada daya saing global. Kami memberikan solusi bagi perusahaan Anda dalam mengelola dan memuaskan pelanggan Anda dengan menggunakan teknologi. Mulai dengan memahami mereka dengan memantau percakapan mereka secara online, terlibat dengan sebagian besar saluran digital dan menyenangkan mereka dengan menggunakan otomatisasi dan prediksi preferensi mereka. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut bisa mengunjungi website atau email ke

Press Release ini juga sudah tayang di VRITIMES

Sustainable Synergy: IT Repurposing for The Lost Food Project by Rentwise and Arvato Systems

[Kuala Lumpur, 18th Dec 2023] – In a landmark collaboration, Rentwise, a leading remanufacturer of IT equipment, and Arvato Systems, a global IT services company, unite to support The Lost Food Project. This partnership marks a significant stride in using repurposed technology to fuel social change, tackling food waste and hunger.


In a notable effort blending corporate responsibility with technological innovation, Rentwise and Arvato Systems have embarked on a mission to empower The Lost Food Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to fighting food waste and hunger. This synergy has led to the donation of over RM21,000 worth of remanufactured laptops and desktop computers. These devices, rejuvenated to contemporary standards, are set to revolutionize the operational capabilities of the NGO, enhancing their efficiency in redistributing surplus food to the needy. The Lost Food Project, known for its dedication to sustainability and community support, stands to gain immensely from this strategic alliance. The initiative provides the NGO with advanced tools in connectivity and communication, courtesy of Arvato Systems’ retired laptops, which have been expertly remanufactured by Rentwise. This technological uplift is crucial in their ongoing battle against food scarcity and waste. “We are excited to join forces with Arvato Systems in this meaningful venture to bolster The Lost Food Project,” expressed Lanz, Commercial Director at Rentwise. “Our contribution of remanufactured business computers is a step towards enhancing the NGO’s operational effectiveness, aiding them in making a more substantial impact in their fight against hunger and food wastage in Malaysia.” This collaborative effort underscores the commitment of Rentwise and Arvato Systems to sustainable business practices and social responsibility. By repurposing and donating IT equipment, the partnership not only sequesters an estimated 10 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere but also demonstrates the influential role of technology in societal betterment. The gesture is a shining example of how collaborative efforts between corporations and non-profit organizations can instigate significant social change, addressing key community challenges. Rentwise and Arvato Systems continue to be dedicated to building partnerships that yield lasting, positive effects on society.

About Rentwise Sdn Bhd
Founded in 2001, Rentwise Sdn Bhd is a trailblazer in the field of IT asset remanufacturing, refurbishment, and disposal. Embracing a circular economy model, the company extends the lifespan of IT products, thereby reducing replacement frequency, cutting costs, and minimizing e-waste. Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly focusing on “Sustainable Consumption & Production” and “Climate Action,” Rentwise is committed to the ethos of sustainable computing for a sustainable planet.
This Press Release has also been published on VRITIMES

Primuse Group Launches Crescendo Division with Swan Lake Premier in Kuala Lumpur


Primuse Group, a major player in the music industry, announces the launch of Crescendo, its dedicated classical division, emphasizing its commitment to delivering exceptional musical experiences in Asia. In collaboration with Shiraz Projects & MyTicket Asia, Crescendo’s inaugural show features the iconic ballet “Swan Lake” by the St. Petersburg National Ballet Theatre, in Kuala Lumpur on 22 May 2024. The event promises a unique experience with a focus on tradition and excellence. Tickets go on sale in mid-January 2024 on

Malaysia, 15 December 2023Primuse Group, a leading force in the music industry, proudly introduces Crescendo, its dedicated division for high-level classical concerts. This move underscores Primuse’s commitment to delivering captivating musical experiences across Asia.

Crescendo, Primuse’s dedicated classical division, aims to share the allure of classical and contemporary music throughout Asia. Meticulously curating experiences that encompass ballet, orchestral concerts, and modern compositions, Crescendo showcases its unwavering commitment to impeccable execution.

Swan Lake’s Magic with St. Petersburg National Ballet Theatre’s Debut

Crescendo, in collaboration with Shiraz Projects and MyTickets Asia, is excited to announce its inaugural show featuring the iconic ballet masterpiece, “Swan Lake” in 2 acts and 4 scenes, with the St. Petersburg National Ballet Theatre in Kuala Lumpur on 22 May 2024. This cultural event promises a unique experience, setting it apart from traditional ballet performances.

Renowned for over 5,000 concerts worldwide, the St. Petersburg National Ballet Theatre, led by former Mariinsky Theatre soloists, brings Swan Lake’s excellence to the Plenary Hall, KLCC. The troupe has proudly participated in 17 international ballet festivals, further solidifying its global standing in the world of ballet. The troupe of the theatre boasts graduates from the renowned Vaganova Ballet Academy. Comprising both corps de ballet and soloists, these artists have honed their skills at one of the oldest ballet schools globally, the Vaganova Ballet Academy, founded in 1738. This historical institution has contributed significantly to the theatre’s legacy, ensuring a level of excellence and tradition in every performance.

Exclusive Note for Malaysia

In Malaysia, four years ago, a ballet of similar quality—full classical ballet with soloists, corps de ballet, decorations, and costumes—graced the stage. While many recent productions lack historical choreography, our concert honors tradition and showcases the highest degree of excellence.

Prepare yourself to sign up for the waitlist and secure your tickets in the middle of January 2024 at or, don’t miss the chance to attend this high-quality ballet production!

About Shiraz Projects

Shiraz Projects, Malaysia’s premier event organizer with over 12 years of expertise, is known for its originality and customer service excellence. From intimate gatherings to grand events, our dedicated team weaves creativity and innovation into every detail. We specialize in managing world-class projects, ensuring a memorable experience while delivering exceptional return on investment. As your partners in bringing visions to life, Shiraz Projects goes beyond event organizing to create unforgettable experiences for organizers and attendees alike.

About MyTicket Asia

We are delighted to collaborate with MyTicket Asia as the exclusive ticketing platform for the upcoming Swan Lake show presented by Crescendo, Primuse Group’s dedicated classical division. Secure your tickets through MyTicket Asia for a seamless experience in accessing this exceptional cultural event, brought to you by a partnership committed to delivering quality entertainment.

Please find the press kit here.

About Primuse
Primuse is a music industry company and a vertically-integrated approach. They operate across live entertainment, venue management, ticketing, marketing, and more. They’ve also developed an app to connect music industry stakeholders globally, improving efficiency and data analysis for added value.
This press release has also been published on VRITIMES

Primuse Group Launches Crescendo Division with Swan Lake Premier in Singapore


Primuse Group, a major player in the music industry, announces the launch of Crescendo, its dedicated classical division, emphasizing its commitment to delivering exceptional musical experiences in Asia. In collaboration with Shiraz Projects & MyTicket Asia, Crescendo’s inaugural show features the iconic ballet “Swan Lake” by the St. Petersburg National Ballet Theatre, in Singapore on 24 & 25 May 2024. The event promises a unique experience with a focus on tradition and excellence. Tickets go on sale in mid-January 2024 on

Singapore, 15 December 2023 – Primuse Group, a leading force in the music industry, proudly introduces Crescendo, its dedicated division for high-level classical concerts. This move underscores Primuse’s commitment to delivering captivating musical experiences across Asia.

Crescendo, Primuse’s dedicated classical division, aims to share the allure of classical and contemporary music throughout Asia. Meticulously curating experiences that encompass ballet, orchestral concerts, and modern compositions, Crescendo showcases its unwavering commitment to impeccable execution.

Swan Lake’s Magic with St. Petersburg National Ballet Theatre’s Debut

Crescendo, in collaboration with Shiraz Projects and MyTickets Asia, is excited to announce its inaugural show featuring the iconic ballet masterpiece, “Swan Lake” in 2 acts and 4 scenes, with the St. Petersburg National Ballet Theatre in Singapore on 24 & 25 May 2024. This cultural event promises a unique experience, setting it apart from traditional ballet performances.

Renowned for over 5,000 concerts worldwide, the St. Petersburg National Ballet Theatre, led by former Mariinsky Theatre soloists, brings Swan Lake’s excellence to The Theatre at Mediacorp. The troupe has proudly participated in 17 international ballet festivals, further solidifying its global standing in the world of ballet. The troupe of the theatre boasts graduates from the renowned Vaganova Ballet Academy. Comprising both corps de ballet and soloists, these artists have honed their skills at one of the oldest ballet schools globally, the Vaganova Ballet Academy, founded in 1738. This historical institution has contributed significantly to the theatre’s legacy, ensuring a level of excellence and tradition in every performance.

Exclusive Note for Singapore

In Singapore, three years ago, a ballet of similar quality—full classical ballet with soloists, corps de ballet, decorations, and costumes—graced the stage. While many recent productions lack historical choreography, our concert honors tradition and showcases the highest degree of excellence.

Prepare yourself to sign up for the waitlist and secure your tickets in the middle of January 2024 at or, don’t miss the chance to attend this high-quality ballet production!

About Shiraz Projects

Shiraz Projects, Malaysia’s premier event organizer with over 12 years of expertise, is known for its originality and customer service excellence. From intimate gatherings to grand events, our dedicated team weaves creativity and innovation into every detail. We specialize in managing world-class projects, ensuring a memorable experience while delivering exceptional return on investment. As your partners in bringing visions to life, Shiraz Projects goes beyond event organizing to create unforgettable experiences for organizers and attendees alike.

About MyTicket Asia

We are delighted to collaborate with MyTicket Asia as the exclusive ticketing platform for the upcoming Swan Lake show presented by Crescendo, Primuse Group’s dedicated classical division. Secure your tickets through MyTicket Asia for a seamless experience in accessing this exceptional cultural event, brought to you by a partnership committed to delivering quality entertainment.

Please find the press kit here.

About Primuse
Primuse is a music industry company and a vertically-integrated approach. They operate across live entertainment, venue management, ticketing, marketing, and more. They’ve also developed an app to connect music industry stakeholders globally, improving efficiency and data analysis for added value.

This press release has also been published on VRITIMES



This AI-driven platform offers a comprehensive range of training solutions, which include ESG contents that can be found in more than 1,000 related compliance topics.

CYBERJAYA, December 14, 2023 – AwanBiru Technology Berhad (“Awantec”) through its fully-owned subsidiary, Awantec Systems Sdn Bhd (“ASSB”) continues to strengthen its position as the country’s leading information communication technology training and certification service provider by equipping sustainability professionals with knowledge in Environment, Social, and Governance (“ESG”). This was made possible through its strategic partnership with Pertubuhan Alam Sekitar, Sosial dan Tadbir Urus Malaysia (“ESG Malaysia”), an organisation that supports Malaysia’s ESG transformation.

This partnership will solidify ASSB’s prominence at the forefront of digital learning solutions in Malaysia by offering a comprehensive range of training solutions that are not only highly relevant but also at the forefront of innovation through its collaboration with Skillsoft. This AI-driven platform offers a comprehensive range of training solutions, which include ESG contents that can be found in more than 1,000 related compliance topics.

Within the framework of this collaboration, ESG Malaysia is committed to expand the reach of ESG content and training courses through the AI-driven Skillsoft Percipio platform offered by Awantec known as ESG Digital Academy. The platform allows organisations to identify and measure their workforce’s skill proficiencies while empowering them to stay competitive and relevant.

Skillsoft’s AI-driven online learning platform, known for its expertly curated, high-quality skilling pathways mapped to the world’s most in-demand competencies, accelerates learning in a personalised and accessible way. Offering a blend of self-paced courses, hands-on practice, virtual live online classes, and coaching, Skillsoft allows individuals to close skill gaps, anytime, anywhere, and on any device. As Awantec, a HRDCorp Certified Training Provider, organisations can utilise their Human Resource Development Corporation (“HRD”) levy through Skillsoft.

ESG Malaysia’s concerted efforts will target a broad audience, encompassing both the public and private sectors. This strategic alliance seeks to make cutting-edge ESG content more accessible and affordable for a diverse range of learners and organisations, particularly environmental and sustainable practitioners who want to enhance their knowledge on sustainability reporting, renewable energy and green technologies, and sustainable transportation, among others.

“Awantec’s strategic collaboration with ESG Malaysia is particularly timely, occurring in an era when sustainability, ethics, and corporate governance have become integral aspects of assessing non-financial performance indicators and, in turn, the overall health and longevity of businesses. Our collaboration with Skillsoft has harnessed a suite of products and solutions to craft an accessible, affordable, and user-friendly digital learning platform.” Awantec’s Chief Executive Officer, En. Azlan Zainal Abidin said.

About Awanbiru Technology Berhad

About AwanBiru Technology Berhad (AWANTEC) Awantec is a leading technology and talent digitisation enabler, providing multi-cloud management services and lifelong learning talent lifecycle services to drive Malaysia’s digital transformation. The company’s core business revolves around the convergence of technology and human talent, leveraging the latest advancements through collaborations with global partners such as Google, Zoom, Skillsoft, Rocheston, Adobe, and more. With dedicated teams focusing on growth in the public sector, commercial, and SME segments, Awantec offers five (5) key business pillars to meet the increasing market demand for cloud and talent requirements: Cloud-Based Software Solutions, Platform as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service, Talent as a Service, and System Integration. Founded in 2003 and listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia in 2011, Awantec is a Syariah-compliant stock in the technology sector and has been a constituent of the Bursa Malaysia FTSE4GOOD Index since 2014. The company has received numerous accolades, including the MSWG-ASEAN Corporate Governance Award and recognition as the 2021 Google Cloud Public Sector Partner of the Year for the APAC Region.

This press release has also been published on VRITIMES

Singapore Sets the Stage for Halal Culinary Revolution with Inaugural HalalTrip Gastronomy Awards


Singapore, 14 December 2023 — Singapore is poised to spearhead an innovative era in Halal culinary experiences, marked by the debut of the HalalTrip Gastronomy Awards. This groundbreaking endeavor, a collaborative effort between HalalTrip and the Singapore Halal Culinary Federation, was today exclusively unveiled to the media and partners, signifying an important milestone in the evolution of Halal dining. The awards, signaling the start of a new chapter in Halal cuisine, are set to extend their reach to additional cities in the forthcoming years.

The HalalTrip Gastronomy Award is a prestigious recognition in Halal dining, established to honor Singapore’s most exemplary Halal culinary establishments. These awards evaluate Halal eateries, placing a strong emphasis on culinary distinction. Participating venues are evaluated on five criteria, including creative presentation, flavor harmony, food quality, menu innovation, and service excellence, with the best performers receiving one to three diamonds. Moreover, leading contenders in each segment will vie for the coveted Best-in-Class Awards. This evaluation process is conducted with utmost integrity by professional inspectors dining incognito.

In addition to the awards, the HalalTrip Gastronomy Awards introduce a Gastronomy Cook-off, an arena for celebrating the extraordinary talents of chefs from Halal dining establishments. This competition will bring together chefs of diverse expertise, challenging them to stretch their culinary imagination and skills.

“We are thrilled to launch the HalalTrip Gastronomy Awards, a landmark initiative set to redefine the Halal dining experience in Singapore and globally. This platform is not just an award; it’s a celebration of culinary innovation and a tribute to the diverse, rich flavors that Halal cuisine offers. We aim to set new benchmarks in Halal culinary excellence, inspiring chefs and establishments to elevate their craft constantly. This is a step towards showcasing Singapore as a vibrant epicenter of Halal gastronomy, inviting the world to savor and appreciate the unique and exquisite tastes that our talented chefs create.” said Chef Kamal, President of the Singapore Halal Culinary Federation.

According to the Mastercard-CrescentRating Halal Food Lifestyle 2021 report, Singapore Muslims’ expenditure on Halal dining was estimated to be SGD 700 Million in 2019. Local Muslim millennials were identified as the key driving force behind the growth of this sector. With Muslim visitors to Singapore spending SGD 300 million in 2019, the total Halal dining market was estimated to be SGD 1 Billion in 2019.

The upward trajectory in the Halal food market mirrors the evolving preferences of the modern Muslim diner. Today’s consumers look beyond just Halal certification; they yearn for a rich and varied culinary experience, ranging from authentic street food to upscale fine dining, all aligned with their faith and ethical values. This shift signifies a growing emphasis on quality, innovation, and diversity in Halal gastronomy.

“In the spirit of innovation and appreciation for the finest in Halal gastronomy, the HalalTrip Gastronomy Awards mark a momentous partnership between HalalTrip and the Singapore Halal Culinary Federation,” said Raudha Zaini, Strategic Partnerships & Projects Lead at HalalTrip. “This inaugural culinary accolade sets the stage for the celebration of culinary excellence and spotlights exceptional Halal dining establishments, starting with Singapore. It is a testament to our commitment to continuously elevate Halal lifestyle experiences.”

The first HalalTrip Gastronomy Award recipients will be revealed at the fourth Halal In Travel Global Summit in May 2024. The summit serves as the leading international forum for the Halal travel industry, drawing a wide range of participants from travel professionals and industry pioneers to culinary experts.

Visit this link to learn more about the HalalTrip Gastronomy Awards 2024:

Visit this link for the full press kit:

This press release has also been published on VRITIMES

Merintis Usaha Sendiri: Karyawan Hotel Menyajikan Bubur Ayam Jakarta 46 dengan Sentuhan Khasnya

Bagaimana perjalanan dan pengalaman Pak Eko dalam menjalani mimpi kuliner ini? Mari kita kupas lebih lanjut.

Menyusuri perjalanan merintis usaha sendiri bukanlah perkara mudah, terutama bagi seorang karyawan hotel yang memiliki hasrat untuk membawa cita rasanya sendiri dalam dunia kuliner. Namun, inilah yang dialami oleh Pak Eko, seorang karyawan hotel yang memutuskan untuk menyajikan bubur ayam khas Jakarta 46 dengan sentuhan khasnya di Surabaya. Bagaimana perjalanan dan pengalaman Pak Eko dalam menjalani mimpi kuliner ini? Mari kita kupas lebih lanjut.

Menciptakan Citra Bubur Ayam Jakarta 46 yang Berbeda

Kenapa Bubur Ayam Jakarta 46?

Sejak awal, Pak Eko telah memiliki keyakinan bahwa bubur ayam Jakarta 46 memiliki daya tarik tersendiri yang belum sepenuhnya dieksplorasi di Surabaya. Ia tertarik pada keunikan bumbu dan cara penyajian yang membuat bubur ayam ini menjadi hidangan legendaris di ibu kota. Dengan melibatkan diri dalam industri perhotelan, Pak Eko memiliki pengalaman yang cukup untuk menilai selera masyarakat Surabaya dan menyadari bahwa bubur ayam Jakarta 46 dapat menjadi alternatif menarik di kota ini.

Sentuhan Khas dari Seorang Karyawan Hotel

Salah satu keunikan dari usaha Pak Eko adalah pengaruhnya sebagai seorang karyawan hotel. Keahliannya dalam meramu cita rasa dan mengatur tatahidup ruang makan menjadi modal utama untuk menciptakan pengalaman kuliner yang tak terlupakan. Dalam menyajikan bubur ayam Jakarta 46, Pak Eko tidak hanya fokus pada cita rasa, tetapi juga menciptakan atmosfer yang menyatu dengan kelezatan hidangannya. Pemilihan interior yang hangat dan ramah menjadi daya tarik tambahan bagi para pelanggan yang ingin mencoba pengalaman kuliner yang berbeda. Perjuangan dan Pelajaran dalam Meniti Usaha Kuliner

Merintis usaha kuliner bukan tanpa rintangan. Pak Eko menceritakan perjalanannya, mulai dari menemukan pemasok bahan baku yang berkualitas hingga menemukan resep yang pas dengan lidah warga Surabaya. Pernahkah Anda membayangkan seorang karyawan hotel harus berurusan dengan pengaturan keuangan, manajemen stok, hingga berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan? Semua itu merupakan tantangan nyata yang dihadapi Pak Eko, tetapi itulah yang membuat perjalanannya semakin berharga.

Menyajikan Bubur Ayam Jakarta 46 di Sudut Surabaya

Respon Masyarakat Surabaya

Meluncurkan usaha kuliner di Surabaya, sebuah kota dengan keberagaman kuliner yang kaya, memerlukan strategi tepat agar masyarakat dapat menerima produk baru dengan tangan terbuka. Pak Eko menerapkan pendekatan pemasaran yang cerdas dengan mengandalkan kata mulut dan media sosial untuk menyebarkan kabar tentang bubur ayam Jakarta 46 buatannya. Respon masyarakat Surabaya pun melebihi ekspektasi, karena mereka menyambut dengan antusiasme dan rasa penasaran. Menjaga Kualitas dan Konsistensi

Keberhasilan sebuah usaha kuliner tidak hanya ditentukan oleh kelezatan hidangan pada hari pertama, tetapi juga oleh kualitas dan konsistensi yang dipertahankan dari waktu ke waktu. Pak Eko berusaha keras untuk menjaga bahan baku berkualitas dan merinci setiap proses pembuatan bubur ayam Jakarta 46. Hal ini menjadi kunci utama agar pelanggan setia selalu merasakan kenikmatan yang konsisten setiap kali menyantap hidangan di tempatnya.

Ekspansi dan Kolaborasi

Keberhasilan Pak Eko tidak hanya berhenti di situ. Ia mulai berpikir tentang ekspansi usahanya dengan membuka cabang di berbagai sudut kota. Dalam menghadapi persaingan yang semakin ketat, Pak Eko juga membuka diri terhadap kolaborasi dengan pelaku usaha kuliner lainnya. Sebagai contoh, ia menjalin kerjasama dengan kedai kopi lokal untuk menciptakan paket promo yang menarik bagi pelanggan setia mereka. Melalui langkah-langkah ini, Pak Eko membuktikan bahwa kolaborasi dapat menjadi kunci sukses dalam industri kuliner.


Merintis usaha kuliner dari nol bukanlah tugas yang mudah, terutama jika Anda berasal dari latar belakang yang berbeda. Namun, cerita Pak Eko menunjukkan bahwa keberanian dan ketekunan dapat membawa seseorang meraih impian tersebut. Dengan menyajikan bubur ayam Jakarta 46 dengan sentuhan khasnya, Pak Eko tidak hanya berhasil menciptakan hidangan lezat, tetapi juga sebuah pengalaman kuliner yang tak terlupakan di Surabaya.

Melalui perjuangannya, Pak Eko mengajarkan kepada kita bahwa setiap langkah kecil dalam merintis usaha memiliki arti dan pelajaran tersendiri. Dari menemukan identitas bisnis hingga menjaga kualitas, semua itu merupakan bagian dari perjalanan yang tidak hanya memuaskan selera, tetapi juga membangun fondasi untuk kesuksesan jangka panjang.

Sebagai pelajaran terakhir, kita dapat mengambil inspirasi dari Pak Eko untuk tidak takut bermimpi besar dan berani mengambil langkah kecil menuju impian kita. Seperti bubur ayam Jakarta 46 yang menjadi ikon lezat, keberhasilan bukanlah sekadar hasil akhir, melainkan perjalanan yang indah yang harus dihargai setiap langkahnya.

About Bubur Ayam Jakarta 46
Bubur Ayam Jakarta 46 Berdiri pada Tahun 2019
Press Release ini juga sudah tayang di VRITIMES

Novel “Not BedTime Stories” Akhirnya Diluncurkan oleh BB Media


Jakarta, 15 Desember 2023 – Penulis anonim dengan sapaan Bang Bule merilis kembali buku horornya yang ketiga setelah novel pertama Apartment 12A-05 serta Laiba dan Nasir di tahun 2021 kemudian akhir tahun 2023. “Not BedTime Stories” resmi di luncurkan. Not Bed Time Stories adalah kumpulan 13 cerita horor yang terinspirasi dari kisah nyata dan pengalaman pribadi penulis saat tinggal di Bali.


Bang Bule, penulis yang berasal dari Eropa Timur, memilih untuk tetap merahasiakan identitasnya. “Saya ingin tetap menyimpan identitas dengan rapat. Bukan namanya yang penting, tetapi saya mau dikenal karena karya-karyanya,” ujar Bang Bule. Novel ini mengisahkan tentang petualangan dan hal-hal yang menghantui Bang Bule. Dalam koleksi yang menegangkan ini, 13 kisah dengan alur tak terduga mengungkap misteri mengerikan dari orang yang telah meninggal dan perjuangan tanpa henti mereka di alam setelah kematian. Inspirasi untuk novel ini muncul ketika Bang Bule sedang berjalan-jalan di daerah Bali. Ia menemukan kabin kosong dan mendapatkan gagasan untuk menuangkan karakter dalam 13 cerita. “Cerita dan karakter itu begitu kuat sehingga cukup mudah menulis bukunya,” kata Bang Bule. Novel “Not BedTime Stories” diterbitkan oleh BB Media dan diluncurkan melalui berbagai platform daring, antara lain Shopee, Tokopedia, dan Bukalapak. Buku-buku tersebut juga bisa dipesan lewat Whatsapp layanan konsumen BB Media, Youtube, dan Instagram.




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About BB Media
Terletak di kawasan Ubud, Bali, BB Media adalah Perusahaan Media Multifaset yang memadukan narasi tradisional dan digital dengan sempurna. BB Media bangga dengan portofolio yang beragam, mengeksplorasi bayangan dan cahaya melalui berbagai media. Di BB Media, kami bercita-cita menjadi arsitek imajinasi, menciptakan cerita yang melintasi dunia sehari-hari dan hal-hal luar biasa.
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